Legal notices


Simplified joint-stock company (SAS) with capital of €100,000
SIRET (French company ID no.): 30386044900055
NAF code (designating the business sector): 7430Z
Intra-Community VAT no.: FR 94303860449
Trade & Companies Register (RCS) no.: Tours B 303 860 449
Address: 15 rue du Sergent Leclerc – BP 54219 – 37042 Tours cedex 1 – France
Tel.: +33 (0)2 47 39 00 17
Publications Director : Jocelyn de Virel


98 rue Giraudeau
37000 Tours
06 30 03 20 69


Limited liability company (SARL) with capital of €200,000
Trade & Companies Register (RCS) no. Tours B 409 200 847
APE (main activity) code: 7022Z
Registered office: 761 rue du Mûrier – BP 108 Zone – Equatop II – 37541 St Cyr Sur Loire France
Tel.: +33 (0)


Pursuant to the provisions of the French Data Protection Act (No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties), you have rights regarding access, amendment, rectification and deletion of your personal data. To request an amendment, the rectification or deletion of your personal data, simply send a letter by email or post to the Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (DILA), with proof of your identity.

Your personal data is confidential and will not be communicated to third parties under any circumstances other than for the due performance of missions related to TRADUTOURS business.


This website does not control the websites linked to it, and shall not therefore be held liable for their content. Users fully assume the risks associated with use of such websites, and shall comply with their terms of service.


In line with the legislation governing intellectual property, the reproduction or use of any content on this website, whether in full or in part, is strictly prohibited. Only the legal exceptions shall be authorised, which particularly include showing to the family, making private copies for personal use and the right to short quotations.
Accordingly, all texts, photos, logos, trade marks and other features displayed on this website are reserved and protected by intellectual property law (bearing on copyright, related rights and trade mark law, etc.).
Any form of display of this website, whether in full or in part, by whatever means, without the website operator’s express permission is prohibited, and would amount to an offence punishable by Articles L 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code (CPI)
The same applies for any databases featured on the website which are protected by the provisions of the Act of 11 July 1998 on transposition into the CPI of the European Directive of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases.

Personal data 

Visiting our website is not contingent upon personal registration, and no personal registration is carried out for the simple consultation of its pages. However, in some cases (sharing features and social modules, contact forms, participation in competitions, online payment, etc.), you may be asked to provide personal data (first and last names, telephone numbers, postal addresses, email addresses, etc.). Whether collection of such information is required or merely optional is indicated by an asterisk.
Where applicable, the data collection form may have a box to tick depending on whether you agree or object to your data being used for commercial purposes on behalf of third parties, and/or transferred to third parties.
We do not collect any sensitive data, i.e. any data to do with your racial or ethnic background, your political, philosophical or religious opinions or membership of a trade union, or which concerns your health or sexuality.
Furthermore, during your visit to our website we collect and process data related to your browsing activity (including cookies, your IP address, the pages you have consulted and the searches you have run) and to your device (type of browser used, model and version of your operating system, your screen resolution, whether there are any plug-ins, etc.). We will also perform an approximate geolocation of the town or city you are based in. This data will be used, on the one hand, to produce statistics concerning the use made of our website, so as to enhance its relevance, and to identify which companies are interested in our products, and on the other hand to show you adverts on and outside of our website that chime with your interests and, possibly, your location.
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